8,79 € 14,65 €

Caja de fibra de 12 núcleos 2 en 2 salidas cierre de junta de empalme de fibra óptica horizontal caja de conexiones de fibra para exteriores tipo D

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of Mrcado Telecom Store, please have a check before order!

12 core fiber enclosure 2 in 2 out horizontal fiber optic splice joint closure D type outdoor fiber junction box


Product name

12CORE 2 In 2 Out Fiber Optic Splice Closure

Ambient temperature

-40°C ~+60°C

Tensile resistance


Withstand voltage strength




weight :


Product performance

operation, reliable sealing performance, convenient repeating, reliable
grounding protection, high strength, can be directly buried underground
or overhead installation


12 core fiber cable joint box Fiber optic splice closure is used for connecting and protecting singal core or bunch cables. It can

be placed in underground, aerial, wall-mounting, pedestal or direct buried, hand hole-mounting and duct-mounting applications. Our fiber

closures can improve the operation of your network communication system.Closure is suitable for the applications up to 96 single

fibers,which can cover most of the applications in the long-distance transmission and local fiber distribution networks, like Fiber To The

Home / Fiber To The Curb ...(FTTH/FTTC).

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8,79 € 14,65 €


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