1,62 €
SC to SC LC to LC ST to ST FC to FC Fiber Patch Cord Jumper Cable SM Simplex Single Mode Optic for Network 10m
Connectors: SC to SC LC to LC ST to ST FC to FC
Core: Single Mode Fiber
Density: Simplex
Finish/Size: PC Polish
Mechanical properties
Interchangeability (dB): ≤ 0.1
Vibration (dB): ≤ 0.1 (5 to 50Hz, 1.5mm)
Tensile strength (dB): ≤ 0.1 (0 to 15Kg pull)
The high temperature ≤ 0.2dB (+85 ° C for 50 hours)
Low temperature ≤ 0.2dB (-40 ° C for 50 hours)
Temperature cycling ≤ 0.2dB (-40 ° C to 85 ° C, 5 cycles)
Humidity ≤ 0.2dB (-25 ° C ~ 65 ° C, 93%)
Signal transmission and data transmission
Telecommunications network, local area network (LAN), metropolitan area networks, optical fiber communication systems
Fiber optic test equipment / instrumentation
Optical fiber CATV (cable television), optical fiber sensors
Fiber-optic broadband-home, FTTH fiber to the home
Fiber optic patch panels, rack and wall mount fiber optic wiring unit
1,62 €